How limiting beliefs can affect trading?

One of the challenges that appear when you want to start trading is that you have certain beliefs and emotions. While beliefs influence how we think and feel, the truth is that limiting beliefs can be really helpful for traders. The reality here is that staying emotional while trading can end up pushing you towards bad trades.  Don’t expect trading to work right away People study trading for years, and even they end up dealing with some losses. The truth is that everyone will lose while trading, especially if they trade desperately wanting to be successful. You need to assess every trade and ensure that you have direct access to the right results. The faster you do that, the better it will be in the end. Use it as an advantage, and remove emotions out of the way. See it as a business transaction, and find ways to make it better in the long run. It requires hard work and commitment Again, you can’t expect amazing results without lots of work. If you think that trading will fix your financial problems right now, it’s not the case. Trading involves work, studying, learning an adapting the market. Does it have the potential to bring great results? Of course it does, but that doesn’t mean you can expect amazing results right off the bat.  You think speed is very important The reality is that speed is a factor, but not the most important one. While it does help if you get into the trade early, that doesn’t mean you will have success. The truth is that you want to study that trade and make the most out of it. The faster you do so, the better it will be in the long run. That doesn’t mean it will be a simple thing to achieve, but the potential can indeed be great if you do this properly. You want to become more disciplined and patient after you build the account up This is certainly not a good mindset. What you want to do is to figure out a way to achieve great success in the long term without rushing. That means you must have patience and focus, and if you do it right, the potential can be second to none. It’s totally worth it in the end, even if you need to be a more patient and focused trader. But that’s the right approach and it will certainly help. At the end of the day, limiting beliefs like the ones above and being solely focused on the trade without expectations is very important. Remove the emotion out of your trade and it will be worth it. At the end of the day, potential can be great, and it can be really impressive. But you have to understand that once you are limiting beliefs, things end up being a lot better, since you get to focus without worrying. Sure, worries will always be a part of the investment game, but at the end of the day you want to remove emotions and the payoff can be totally worth it!

Hope mentality – why this is not always a good thing for traders

If you want to start trading, you always end up focusing on things like being hopeful and wishing for the best. This is a crucial aspect to keep in mind, and one of those things that can make a huge difference. The best part about trading is that everyone does the thing they want, they trade how they see fit and reap the benefits. And while it’s ok to have some hope, the truth is that being too hopeful can actually be an issue. Why is being hopeful a problem at times? You always want to perform your due diligence when you trade. You can’t just start trading and hope for the best every time. Your trading needs to be focused on growth and value, reaction and benefits. If you end up trading and always hoping for the best without having data to back it up, then the chances of success are minimal. That’s why we recommend to be hopeful while also doing your homework regarding any trade. Making sure that you have a trading plan is crucial, because it shows you are prepared and ready to go. Without a plan, you are at the mercy of the trade, and that’s not a smart position for any trader. Which is why smart traders always have a plan to ensure that there are no issues and everything is going smoothly. Otherwise there will always be challenges and issues that can arise. How can you switch from a hope mentality to the trader mentality? It’s important to have a plan and stick to it as much as possible. You also want to treat trading like a business. Would you just leave your business to hope and whatever it might happen? Probably not, so you have to adapt to this and ensure that you have the utmost results and benefits in the end. Relying on trading technology can help quite a lot too. Tech can give you historical data and other info that you can use for a successful experience. On top of that, you need to protect the trading capital and always study the market. If you want to take risks, take only those risks that you can afford. On top of that, you want to establish your own trading methodology and stick to it. Using a stop loss can help you quite a bit. Keeping trading in perspective and not leaving it to chance is always important. You have to realize that trading involves a lot of strategy and commitment, it’s not just something that always delivers great results randomly if you hope for the best. Having the right preparation and commitment is always important, stick to your plan and implement everything accordingly. That’s what will make it well worth it in the end. As you can see, the hope mentality is ok, but it shouldn’t be the driving factor. Being prepared and having a plan, taking risks only when they are worth it and knowing when to stop is just as important!

Greed – how it can affect a trader’s confidence

If you’re looking to have success in the world of trading, then the best thing you can do is to take emotion out of it. Any emotion will affect the trader’s confidence and that will eventually lead to problems. That’s why traders always focus on eliminating greed from their life, because it ends up being a problem. How does greed manifest in trading? Most of the time, traders have greed because they want to add more capital to win trades. They want to profit from small moves. Sometimes it can happen randomly, but you can’t bank on that. What you want to do is to eliminate emotion and focus on making sure you are studying the market and making decisions based on exactly the things that matter. Otherwise you will end up with issues and that’s something you want to avoid. Why is greed a factor? The reason is simple, greed is a human emotion that tends to control people very quickly. The idea here is that a trader will try to win via devoting more money and investing only in the same trade. He thinks that the market will continue to be in his favor, and thus he pours money in that trade waiting for a miracle. The truth is that miracles don’t really happen. What you want to do is to focus on success and eliminate greed from your life. Greed also appears when the traders have a losing trade, so they double down on the next trade. They want to get back their money that they list in the previous trade. If you think from a risk standpoint, this is very problematic and challenging, and you want to address it as much as possible. Otherwise there will be issues to deal with, and that’s the thing that you want to avoid in a situation like this. Greed appears a lot on the trading market due to investors that try to make as much money as possible from a single trade. They try to inflate the price of a stock and then it all comes crashing down. Bitcoin can be a great example where greed can end up making you lose money. How to deal with greed in trading? It’s important to create a good trading plan and always stick to it. On top of that, you also want to lower the size of your trades, just to be safe. Sticking with a trading journal is great, because it can help you track and manage your trades properly to avoid any issues. It’s also a great idea to learn from other people and their losses in trades. The more you learn, the better it is in a situation like this. We recommend removing greed from your life when it comes to trading. You should always eliminate emotions if you want to be a successful trader. Greed is particularly problematic because it makes you spend money unwisely. That’s why you always want to have a good plan and stick to it!

Frustration: Why do traders keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, losing focus, not sticking to trading plan

Frustration is one of those things that can appear very often in the trading world. This is a field where you want to study analysis charts, read books, study the market and also check previous trades. It involves a lot of work if you want to achieve success, and results can actually be very impressive. If you do it right and know how to tackle everything appropriately, results can be second to none in the long run. When do traders encounter frustration? That depends on the trader and their own experience. The truth is that trading can sometimes be frustrating and it has its fair share of challenges. It mostly comes from the fact that no matter what you do, you end up losing trades. That leads to repeating the same mistakes over and over. In the end, you lose focus and that becomes a problem. When you’re not focused, you end up feeling a lot of pressure as you try to achieve success. And that’s the main issue, because you want to avoid older mistakes instead of actually sticking to the plan. The way you can start counteracting this problem is to try and make deliberate and repeated choices. The truth is that it’s a challenge to do this kind of stuff, but if you manage it appropriately, nothing can stand in your way. You just need to commit to excellence and the potential can be second to none. How can you overcome frustration in trading? A very good option is to get help. Maybe you need some more information and guidance, and that’s fine. That means working closely with a coach or a mentor can give you the upper hand that you need. It conveys the value and results you want, while pushing the limits and the experience in a creative manner. It’s definitely not a walk in the park, but the results can actually be incredible in the end. However, don’t follow other people’s trades. You always want to create your own trading plan and stick to it. Otherwise, if you follow others and they lose, then you lose. That’s what you want to do, you want to always focus on eliminating frustration from your life, and if you do it right, it’s going to be well worth it no matter the situation. Always practice as much as you can. There’s a reason why they say practice makes perfect. Because it really does help you learn lots of great things and you get to continue improving yourself. That doesn’t mean it will be easy. But it will convey the benefits and results that you expect, and that’s what matters. Focus on success and on the best results, and if you do it right, the potential can indeed be worth the effort. Use these tips, and remember that frustration in trading is a bad thing. Getting control over it and knowing how to avoid any issues is what will make it well worth it.

FOMO (the fear of missing out) – why does it affect so many traders in a negative way?

The fear of missing out is one of those things that can end up affecting a lot of traders and their performance. The sheer idea here is that many businesses are using the fear of missing out as a way to generate sales, but while that works for them, it can be something negative for traders. According to trading psychology, a trader will experience the fear of missing out whenever a very popular trade appears and they want to be a part of it. The problem here is that due to the fear of missing out, you end up not doing a lot of research. You go with the flow, because you believe everyone else. This type of trading emotions are obviously bad for business, because you end up spending your money unwisely, without knowing what return you can get. Which is why the fear of missing out is one of those things that can have a negative impact on your trading performance. You always want to focus on achieving the utmost success and the best results. But if you tackle it right and you know what you are getting into, results can be amazing all the time. Is it a problem to have the fear of missing out? Absolutely, because the fear of missing out generates trading emotions like greed, fear, excitement, jealousy, anxiety, impatience and other problems. You want to handle that as quickly as possible, otherwise it will have a major impact on your results. The characteristics of a FOMO trader Usually, a trader that has the fear of missing out trusts other people’s judgements and he has illusions regarding how much money he can make. He is also scared that he has a great opportunity on his hands. Even worse, he believes that this is a safe bet, and he wants to be in with all the great results that can possibly arrive from such an investment. You don’t want to be such a trader, because it ends up rushing you to take bad decisions that will eventually lead to losses There are lots of different factors triggering FOMO trading. These are volatile markets, repetitive losses, social media, rumors and news, big winning streaks and many others. All of these can end up pushing you towards not the best decisions in trading, and you have to find a way to counteract those problems as much as possible. Receiving trading psychology support and assistance, doing your own research and not relying on others can help remove or lower the fear of missing out. If you just stick to social media or follow other traders, this fear of missing out can get you into trouble. Sometimes it can actually strike gold, but 99% of the time you will end up taking bad decisions. That’s why you don’t want to rely on trading emotions like this, especially fear. It’s not going to be easy, but results can be extraordinary, and it’s well worth trying it out!

Boredom – ways to overcome this when trading

One of the main issues that traders are facing nowadays is not only greed and fear, but also boredom. Yes, trading boredom is just as problematic, because it can lead you towards bad trades or just making bad decisions while trading. Regardless, it can be a major issue, and something that you need to avoid as much as possible. Thankfully there are methods you can use to overcome trading boredom, and here are some of the best. Always remember your goals If you want to avoid boredom, try to stick to your goals and remember them as much as possible. It’s very easy to step away from your goals and not know them properly. The best thing you can do in a situation like this is to avoid any rush and really push the experience to the next level. If you stick to your goals and visualize the results, things will be a lot better. You will eliminate boredom and that will help you think clearly in the long run. Take breaks When you have trading boredom, a great idea is to try and take breaks. These breaks will offer you the guidance and support that you need. It helps quite a lot, and it eliminates many of the challenges that can arise. What we recommend you to do is to balance your routine with some rest. It might not sound like the best idea, but it is. Once you rest for a bit, you get to have more clarity and that’s what will push you towards taking better decisions in the long run. It might not be simple at first, but it’s definitely worth it. Use music to calm down Music can help you relax, calm down and boost your focus. It’s important to study what kind of music can help you and stick with that. Believe it or not, this can have a very positive impact on your trading experience. It will remove boredom for starters, and it will allow you to keep a high level of focus. That’s what you want to go for, and it’s always going to shine. Expand your horizons When you’re bored, a good idea is to expand your horizons. Learning new things about trading, entering forums and talking with others can pay off big time. The main idea here is to try and find ways to bring in more growth and exposure. It’s not simple, but it will give you the quality and experience that you may need in the long run. As you can see, it’s possible to eliminate boredom from your life as a trader. Even if it might sound hard at first, this is definitely possible, and you will have no problem doing it. Granted, it comes with its fair share of challenges, but the potential can be great in the long run, and that’s what you want to go for. Stick to the benefits, and you will be more than happy with the results.

Anxiety – why trading can cause fight or flight for traders?

One of the toughest challenges that traders experience almost every day is the fact that they don’t really know what the trade outcome will be. Sometimes it can be a positive one, but it can very well be negative as well. That fear of not doing well can affect your trading performance and mindset. It ends up deep in your subconscious mind, and obviously it can be hard to get rid of it. After all, pretty much everything we do each day is around 90% subconscious. So if you end up fearing actions and results, that will affect your subconscious mind quite a bit. Which is where trading psychology comes into play. What causes trading anxiety? Usually, there are 2 main causes to anxiety. We have anxiety over loss, because we don’t want to lose and we are afraid of that happening. But the truth is that trading is something that can be out of your control. So even if you research, study and prepare as much as possible, there’s still a situation where you might end up losing, which means you have to take that into account as much as possible at this time. Anxiety will affect trading performance, which is why you need to avoid it as much as possible. Another cause is the lack of confidence. More often than not, we don’t trust our capabilities and that leads to major problems. We need to do everything in our power to surpass this situation, because not trusting your skills is always something that can be problematic. That’s why you need to improve your skills, practice as much as possible, and this will help you regain your confidence and trading performance. The avenues of trading anxiety According to trading psychology, there are many different avenues of trading anxiety. The first one is the lack of choice. You end up not having the last decision, instead trades tend to be automated and you lack control. On top of that, many people tend to feel loss and a lack of confidence, which leads to a very bad mentality. Addressing that can be very important and it will make a huge difference. If you use that “poor me” mentality, you will make others feel responsible for your losses, and you will lack confidence into your life. Does hypnosis help traders? Yes, hypnosis is very efficient because it helps you remove anxiety naturally and it encourages you to push your limits the way you always wanted. You get to improve your discipline, eliminate excuses and manage everything in a more professional manner. Hypnosis helps you remove all the fear, while allowing you to focus on making clear, competent decisions that will eventually improve your trading performance! How can you rewire your mind for great trading performance? A very good thing that you can do is to set goals and decide what you want to achieve. You also want to envision yourself achieving that goal and you want to find techniques working for you. These can be anything from simple affirmations to meditation or hypnosis. Trading psychology can help with that as well, since it will help you regain confidence and focus on your success. Even if you do encounter some failures and losses, these are all a part of the process. Every trader loses trades, that’s a part of this craft. What you want to do is to have goals, focus on success and never give up. That’s what makes this well worth the effort in the long run. Use the right trading psychology services like hypnosis for traders, these can be very helpful and convey the benefits and value you always wanted!

Strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and burnout among traders

Trading can be a fruitful industry from a financial standpoint, but it also takes its toll on your mental health. In fact, many traders these days experience burnout, anxiety, and constant stress. Deadlines, combined with constant market shifts and pressure to work at a high level can sometimes be too much. That’s why traders need to understand the best strategies for managing stress and burnout. Here are some ideas you should take into account. Create a routine The reason you want to have a routine is that it helps you stay focused on your tasks while pushing stress away. It’s one of the best trading psychology ideas, and it works extremely well. Your routine can include relaxation activities, exercising, hobbies, along with a schedule that you stick with. It’s the psychological help you need, and it alleviates many of these problems while delivering consistent results. Take some trading psychology courses Trading psychology can be very helpful when it comes to establishing a mindset. But it can also help alleviate symptoms such as burnout, anxiety, or stress. That’s especially true in the case of very high-volatility markets. Trading psychology courses will help you understand how to navigate pressure and stay on track with your work. In addition, it will help create a mindset for successful trading that doesn’t involve pressure or significant challenges.  Keep a trading journal As a trader, it’s a very good idea to create and maintain your own trading journal. You can see it as a place where you write down your progress, emotions, and ideas. It’s also where you can write down all negative thoughts so you can get those out of your system. The journal can be very helpful if you want to understand what pressures you and brings stress into your system. And it can still provide much-needed help and assistance, which is something to keep in mind. Find a hobby Yes, finding a hobby, be it exercising, running, taking care of dogs, all of that will help you de-stress and unwind. There’s no denying that traders are constantly dealing with things that make them anxious. Your focus is to alleviate that by finding activities that calm you down. That will help you feel better while making the process easier.  Socialize with other people Trading can be a very secluded, solo-focused venture. That’s why socializing is super important. Whenever you are stressed out, try to reach other people and talk with them, share your thoughts, and listen to them as well. It will be a great way for you to not only manage stress but also learn new things. You might even help others as well. Focus on creating a good work-life balance One of the reasons why trading can be very stressful is due to the lack of work-life balance. It’s very common for traders to overwork, not take breaks, or even eat properly. They focus on work, which can be very bad for their health, both mental and physical. If you want to have a great trading mindset, then working with a trading psychology coach will be ideal. Yet you also want to have a very good work-life balance. The way you achieve that is by setting a schedule. You don’t work outside of that schedule, and also ensure that there’s enough time for you to unwind, relax, but also eat properly and sleep. While establishing such a schedule can be difficult, at least in the beginning, it’s well worth it in the long term. Create a mindset focused on learning Shifting your mindset and seeing every setback as a learning opportunity will always help. In fact, losing is what makes trading a very stressful experience. But with the right trading psychology help and learning from mistakes, things will be a lot easier. After all, setbacks are a part of the journey. Learn from mistakes and improve upon them, as that’s what will help make things better in the long run! Speaking of learning, you can also learn a new skill. Starting a new learning journey might seem like a challenge, but it will also take your mind off any negative situations and trading problems. Plus, you get to expand your knowledge. Meditate Yes, meditation and yoga can be very useful if you have trading-related anxiety and stress. A good rule of thumb here is to meditate early in the morning. It will help set up a positive trading mindset. Yoga can help with that, plus it can provide that much-needed exercising routine you always wanted. So it’s certainly a win-win situation. Be realistic with your goals Sometimes, you set yourself to deal with a large amount of stress and anxiety. But the truth is that you always want to be realistic with your goals. Splitting larger goals into increments can help alleviate the pressure. You’ll also find yourself succeeding more while pushing the entire experience to the next level.  These trading psychology tips and tricks can be very helpful if you want to establish a strong trading mindset. It’s very important to focus on growth but also understand your limits. Simple things like enrolling in trading psychology courses, sticking with a schedule, working with a trading psychology coach, or meditating can be viable solutions. You can alleviate or even remove trading stress and burnout from your life, so give these ideas a try, and you’ll see how much they can help!

Traders Mastermind Course

Trading Emotions and Psychology

Louise has developed and created a trading psychology course exclusively for Traders Mastermind. For more information, please visit

Maven Partnership

Louise is delighted to announce her collaboration with prop firm Maven Trading. Louise is the in-house trading psychologist, providing weekly trading psychology videos on various topics, helping to improve traders mindsets and performance. Be sure to explore Maven Trading’s website at to learn more about their innovative solutions for traders. For insights on harnessing the power of hypnosis to optimize your trading mindset, visit us at Hypnosis for Traders.